5 Simple Ways to Make Your Bedroom Your Sanctuary
Clean & Tidy
This seems like an obvious one, but it is probably the most effective. For me as someone with slight OCD, this is a necessity! Having a cluttered room equals a cluttered mind, so get organised and clear your space!
Calm Colours
The power of picking the right colour can be a game-changer in turning a dull bedroom into a fresh, calm space. Lighter shades are more calming on your mood compared to brighter hues which can stimulate your mind.
Switch Those Bulbs
Getting the lighting right is so important for your bedroom, if you get it wrong it will affect the whole atmosphere. To create the perfect ambient light opt for soft white bulbs that aren't too bright but also not too dark. Bedside lighting is key but again a nice warm glow will create a cosy feel.
House of Flora
Get Into Bed
This has got to be your favourite piece of furniture in your whole house. There is nothing better then crawling into your comfy bed after a long day. Your bedding is just as important as your bed, so add some fresh threads, accent pillows and a throw, if your bed looks good it is guaranteed to make you feel good.
Andrew Martin
Unlock Your Senses
The power of a scent can turn you from stressed to zen in an instant. They can also be great reminders of places or memories. So find that perfect soothing scent whether it's a candle, diffuser or fresh flowers. Another great tip to help you relax is to light your favourite candle one hour before you go to bed creating a soothing bedtime ritual.
Rich & Maple
Shop some of our relaxing items to make your bedroom cosy again.
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