Diversity. A word that has been at the forefront of many topics recently. It has made people from all walks of life and from all different industries take a moment to reflect and to think how can they do better to be more inclusive.
Rukmini Patel @rukminipatelinteriordesign and Kate Watson-Smyth @madaboutthehouse are the founders of the pledge Design for Diversity.
Our Pledge
We pledge that our channels - our websites, blogs and social media - will at all times endeavour to include people of every colour and gender and sexuality.
We pledge to seek out Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic candidates to interview for roles that arise in our businesses. We will always hire the person best for the job, but will endeavour to bring more diverse candidates through the process. We stop short of positive discrimination and we reject tokenism.
We pledge that any events we hold - be they panel discussions or talks dinners, receptions, or media events - will endeavour to include people of all colours and genders.
Being a part of this pledge means that House of Flora supports their ethos of making the Interior Design industry a more diverse and inclusive space.
As a British Asian woman in the interior design industry, I am passionate and supportive of making this industry more welcoming to all communities.
Our products are sourced from all over the globe which stems from having roots all over the world especially India, Africa and Europe so keeping our items diverse has always been very important to us. We will continue to do so but will also actively be involved in looking for more local talent from all walks of life.
Sonal Flora & the House of Flora Team.